克 重:
规 格:
单 价: 0.00 元/件
起 订: 2 件
供货总量: 0
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 4天内发货
所在地: 聊城市
有效期至: 长期有效
- 联系人 张献民 ( 先生 )
- 会员 [加为商友] [发送信件]
- 邮件 lucsin@sina.com
- 电话 0635-5086008-
- 手机 13863544488
- 地区
- 地址 山东省聊城市东昌东路58号
聊城鲁信造纸机械有限公司是专为适应不断提速的现代化纸机而成立的专业脱水元件制造商。Liaocheng lucsin Paper Machinery Co., LTD. , which is meet the continuously speed increase of the modern paper machines to establishment for the professionally dewatering-element industries.
鲁信脱水元件采用高品质的进口耐磨陶瓷粉,确保产品达到国际一流的耐磨度和光滑度。经大量用户使用证明:既耐磨又省网,成为新上纸机配备和旧纸机改造的首选。The multiple products of Lusinc ,which have high-quality imported raw-materials, make sure the products have international first-class wear-resisting degree and the surface finish. Through service itis showed that not only wear resistance but also provincial wire, so they be used as the first choice for outfit of new paper machines and reform of old paper machines.